Personal Harmony

For Coaches Wanting More Than A Generic Approach

A values-based coaching tool for client harmony that adds ongoing income.

Once clients complete each 25-minute questionnaire, you immediately receive a coaching roadmap to target and resolve each client's values gaps (with summaries, graphs and percentage results).

You will be accredited (a 2-day accreditation for each level) to easily and powerfully debrief their results to bring new light, hope and harmony to the way your clients live their lives.

To further extend your coaching work, we provide incorrect client responses, step-by-step coaching questions and deep insights to greatly extend the number of sessions and their value for your coaching clients.

Your clients' progress can be measured over a 6-12 month period to review and reinforce positive change and growth, to celebrate the gains made and to inspire more!

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony” Gandhi

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Level 1

Personal Harmony

Level 1 allows your clients to understand their lives through the prism of 11 values and how these values impact their personal harmony. It gives them a broader perspective of themselves and where they fit with those around them. It reveals how to move past their fears, self-limiting beliefs and negative habits.


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Level 2

Harmony With Your Environment

Level 2 explains in detail the difficulties a client is having in their life overall, as well as in each area of their life. It is deeply analytical and answers ‘why’ these difficulties are happening. The more the level 2 values are applied, the less disharmony and conflict and the greater their feelings of harmony as they understand themselves better and feel better understood.


Harmony Within Groups/Teams & With The Larger World They Operate In.

Groups are the sum of disparate individuals with different backgrounds and different experiences who rarely know themselves let alone each other. What they do know of each other is what the other person feels safe to disclose. You can't bond a group or a team until they properly know each other and what they stand for.

Therefore, step one is they have to know that for themselves in a meaningful way. Personal Harmony for groups starts off by allowing each member of the group or team to have an understanding of what they believe their values are, how strongly they believe them and what they actually stand for.

This work really shows the differences between people - their level of conviction, self belief and desire. You will be exposing what they don't know about themselves and then focusing on what is most important to them.

It can't be achieved in a superficial way. It has to be achieved in a deep and meaningful way so that people feel more valued, worthwhile, more understood and they can bring their whole self into the group or team.

"Your values become your destiny” Gandhi

We provide everything you need to facilitate this 4 day program (as full days or in smaller modules). This includes: online questionnaires, in-depth participant evaluations (complete with summaries, graphs and percentage results) a comprehensive facilitator slide-deck with powerful, engaging content, activities and reflective questions. It also includes a facilitator guide and schedule, slide notes and participant welcome packs.

We give you the roadmap to target critical values gaps for the biggest results. Participants' progress can be measured over a 6-12 month period to review and reinforce positive change and growth, to celebrate the gains made and to inspire more.

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Level 1

Personal Harmony

level icon Level 1 allows participants to understand their lives through the prism of 11 values and how these values impact their personal harmony. It gives them a broader perspective of themselves and where they fit with those around them. It reveals how to move past their fears, self-limiting beliefs and negative habits.


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Level 2

Harmony With Your Environment

Level 2 explains in detail the difficulties a client is having in their life overall, as well as in each area of their life. It is deeply analytical and answers ‘why’ these difficulties are happening. The more the level 2 values are applied, the less disharmony and conflict and the greater their feelings of harmony as they understand themselves better and feel better understood.


Accreditation as a Personal Harmony Group Facilitator

In only two days, this accreditation will give you the full experience of using our online platform and program which ensures your group/team facilitation becomes more meaningful, powerful and direct.

We’ll also cover how to seamlessly intergrate this online platform and program to develop your business and create new opportunities.

  • You will be trained to easily debrief results and extend group work.
  • Take your participants through exercises to recognise how little they understand themselves and the values they hold.
  • Exercises and evaluations are provided to keep your participants engaged and inspired while learning about themselves and their group or team and recognising their need for values-based change.
  • Create deep self awareness, understanding, self belief, desire and conviction in your participants.
  • Learn to achieve deeper, lasting group or team outcomes with this powerful, two level program.

Our online platform and step-by-step program make extending and deepening your group work so easy and the results speak for themselves. Experience the difference!

* Special Offer *

Accreditation as a Personal Harmony Coach

The Personal Harmony values system stands out for the coach who needs and wants to provide their clients with a powerful and meaningful values set to get them through life! After two days of training (for each level), you will be ready to seamlessly integrate this online platform and the step-by-step supporting resources to rapidly develop or extend your business.

Make the meaningful difference you aspire to with your clients.

To demonstrate how each values gap creates a wealth of actionable information about your clients, and how we achieve deeper, lasting client outcomes, we include in this accreditation:

  • A level 1 and 2 questionnaire and evaluation of your results, revealing your values gaps and how to resolve them.
  • A level 1 and 2 client questionnaire and evaluation of results revealing their values gaps and how to resolve them.
  • A step-by-step guide for a powerful de-brief of client results.
  • Incorrect client questionnaire responses which cross-reference to your coaching manual. This provides step-by-step coaching sessions.

Most clients don’t understand the long term cost of their choices and actions, and what can be. This tool identifies the cost of inaction, the impact of closing each values gap, and gives a measure to see how the change effects overall growth.

Once people see how much can change for them, then real progress starts. This will greatly extend the number of meaningful coaching sessions you provide and their value for your coaching clients.

Be the coach who stands out because you have something meaningful to offer!

* Special Offer *


  • "I wanted to grow and understand more about myself. I found this a wonderful way to gain insight into my strengths and the areas where I need to focus my efforts. The feedback seemed to see right through to the heart of me."

    Julia Symington

  • "Personal Harmony was recommended to me and I received invaluable information and subsequently support which enabled me to uncover particular values that were having an effect on not only my personal relationships, but also on the successful day to day running of my business. I now feel I have some great tools to assist me to move forward with less fear and more confidence."

    Elke Newall

  • "I held a view that my values didn’t play a significant role in achieving the success I wanted in life but I can now see that they unconsciously determined how I viewed the world. As such, how they influenced my actions both positively and negatively. I am feeling more satisfied and I am seeing more success in my life because the decisions I am making are aligned with these higher values. I highly recommend this to anyone who feels stuck in any area of their life. With the help of your coach, you are then given a pathway to move forward with more clarity, purpose and direction. "

    Steve Angel

  • "I am thrilled I completed the Personal Harmony questionnaires which I found to be invaluable, helping me understand how to close the gaps to act on and live according to my values and to create more harmony within myself, my relationships and my business. I would certainly recommend the Personal Harmony questionnaires to anyone who feels areas of their life are out of alignment and wants to be guided back with the support of a coach, to who they truly are."

    Tracey Magookin

  • "I just want to give you my personal thanks because my results really helped me in understanding myself. By taking the Personal Harmony questionnaires, I learnt a lot about myself and what I can do. I’ve now discovered what has driven me in the past to be who I am in the present. I am already more motivated because I have come to terms with what has been holding me back. I now have the tools to increase my growth tremendously for my future. "

    Mia Everson

  • "This is designed to show you your best values, your weaknesses and how they affect your everyday life. I found the information crucial in understanding what drove my everyday decisions. I highly recommend Personal Harmony to anyone that wants to gain a deeper understanding of their values and to anyone looking for more purpose in their life."

    James Barrett

  • "For a while I had in the back of my mind that it was time for a bit of soul searching & self diagnosis. But to make it objective, I needed someone other than me to guide me through a process. So on the advice of a friend I undertook both Personal Harmony questionnaires to try to highlight what my true values really are, how they guide my thoughts, my emotions, my behaviors, habits and my choices. The surveys and the follow up sessions were illuminating - reaffirming some things and casting a better light on others - and overall were thought provoking and very useful. I would strongly recommend them for anyone who is looking to shine a light on their inner self. "

    James M

Video - Values For Harmony In Life

Values For Harmony In Life

Video - The Key To The Life They Want

The Key To The Life They Want

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